7 October 2010

Welcome to the Big Top.

Yes. Welcome to the circus. For example, pray you partake in this little gem:
I really can't explain it. And this was before the sweet taste of alcohol flowed across our lips (well, maybe not before...but before too much.). This is simply what happens when Megs and I are left to our own devices, with one another, for extended periods of time. I believe we were supposed to be packing at the time we took this picture to go home for the holidays. We got far. And 10 years later, we are (at our cores) those same girls. We are sister cats.

Around the same this picture was taken, Megs gave me a card (that I am looking at and have kept to this day). On the front, it said "In another life, we were sisters. And cats. Sister cats." And inside, "You had two different color eyes, but it was cute." Now, Megs and I do not have different colored eyes (in fact, we have almost identically colored eyes. See the middle picture on the left in our header.), but the card was practically written by us...and I mean that it is something that we would actually say. We may not make much sense to other people, but we make sense to us. It doesn't help that at the time we were very interested in discussing our "old souls" and past lives. Oh, and we were living with three cats (cats is really not a good word for them as they were almost as big as my dog). So, it fit. And it stuck.

Watch out Ireland. You really have no idea.


Kalena Lee said...

I cannot believe I was 18 years old in that picture. I cannot believe I was 18 years old EVER.

Ally said...

You two are definitely in a club all your own. Which is why I think you're both awesome. xo