4 October 2010

Its kind of like DWTS, only without stars. Or dancing for that matter.

Though perhaps there will be dancing.  After all, you can't expect two girls to go pub crawling in Ireland and not partake in an Irish jig or two.  Or five. 

Thats the reason for this here blog.  We're taking a trip.  Crossing the pond.  Going home.  Fishing for eels.  Looking for men that show up on the doorstep with Guiness instead of flowers.  And, we're sure there will be a bit o' history and maybe some sight seeing involved as well.  But mainly pubs, jigs, music, men, boats, eels, and lots of laughter. 

Who ARE we?  Silly question Rabbit.  We are US.  We are Kalena and Megan.  Kiwi and Mango.  Kiki and Meggie.  Chamique and La Shonda.  We've had years and years (18 years to be exact) to get to know each other, create countless memories, play thousands of minesweeper tournaments, and develop a friendship that is strong enough to withstand the sands of time... and our many past lives.  Which, oddly enough, never really involved beaches.  Or sand.  Hmmmm.  So, we're taking a trip.  And we've a started a blog.  There will be beaches, but not of the tropical variety.  More the moody, brooding beaches you read about in the tales of Yore and Yesteryear.  There will be boats.  Yes, we'll be on a boat.  Bitch.  We're on a narrow boat.  Fishing for eels.  With our nautical themed pashmina afghans.  Kalena is on a hunt to find the best fish and chips in the land....  and what goes best with fish and chips?  EELS!   That, and a hoppy brew.  Do we even need to mention the pubs?  There WILL be pubs.  And Irish dancing.  And ponies with traps.  You, our readers (the 2 of you that exist right now) have NO idea what you are in for.  We will blow your mind. 

We thought about keeping travel journals.  We thought about writing postcards.  But, what other medium would allow us to put videos, pictures, homemade musicals, reenactments of epic Shakespearean works, and much more for your viewing/reading pleasure?  Hence, a blog.

We land on Irish shores in 45 days.  We can't wait.  The excitement and anticipation is killing us.  In the weeks leading up to our departure we'll be sharing with your some bits of Megalena (yes, we JUST came up with that.  Bril.) history.  You'll learn the origin of our motto: Be Not Eel Food.  The story of the sister cats, the meaning of Anam Cara, and Ohana.  We hope you like it.  We do.  We can tell.  Its good.  If you don't think so, read it again tomorrow, you'll probably get our jokes by then.  If not, well then, we'll feed you to the eels. 


Megan & Kalena

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