. . . I wish you a very Happy Birthday!
As I sit on the floor of this hostel in Bath, I am trying to find the proper words to tell you all about my oldest and dearest friend, Kalena. People gravitate towards her as if pulled by magnetic forcefield and those of you who know her understand why. Back in college, whenever we'd go out dancing, she only had to smile, and people rallied to be near her. Being one of her friends, it was wonderful, we were always destined to meet someone new, make a new friend, or have an adventure like none other. Ally and I called her 'The Enigma;' there was just something about Kali that drew people in. Kalena is one of the most beautiful, selfless and amazing person I have ever met, but if you'd ever try to tell her that, she'd just brush it off. That is just her way, and its part of her charm. She doesn't much like to call attention to herself (well, unless its on the dance floor). But today, its her birthday. Attention must be paid. She's just going to have to deal.

This is the 17th year I have thought of Kalena on December 2nd, and Even through the years when we were far apart, or had lost touch, 'K's Bday' could always be found on my calendar, in my planner, or in my phone. 17 years of friendship is a feat at any age, and I have known a life with Kalena in it almost twice as long as not. We're lucky enough to be in England on her birthday this year, and will likely enjoy a celebratory pint or two (or four) in London this evening. We've been gone 2 weeks on the trip of a lifetime, and trip we have both dreamed about for years. Though I never thought it possible, this trip has made me appreciate and love my dear friend even more. 17 years makes you think you know someone, but they never fail to surprise...
She is an amazing wealth of travel knowledge, and seems to retain everything she reads about a place. Rather than wanting to visit famous tourist attractions, she prefers sights off the beaten path, and likes to sit and imagine what it must have been like in its prime. She is the most organized person I have ever met. She can talk to sheep, they don't listen real well, but still, she talks to sheep. She can pack and be ready to go faster than anyone I have ever met. AND still look cute. This is a feat not mastered by many. Her lyric writing has only improved with age, as has her singing. She holds her ground and threatens to punch Liverpool drunks when they loom too close. I thought I had seen all of her faces, and yet, a new face, mole face, has been born on this trip. She makes the best soft boiled eggs in the world. THE BEST. She will bust out Punjabi dancing in a club in Dublin, and rock it. She draws funny pictures of people on maps. She gets frightened by scary noises outside the boat, and imagines the worst, but is prepared to fight her way out. And if there were ever a need for a penguin to play Lisele in a remake of “The Sound of Music,” the part would undoubtedly be hers.

Happy Birthday, my dear friend. I look forward to many many more years of memories, fun, and surprises. I love you!